Our Referral Partners
Over years of community service, NMPP has developed a comprehensive range of inter-referral relationships for client services.The following agencies refer clients to NMPP, and NMPP refers clients to these agencies:
Medical/Dental Rangel Clinic: Amsterdam Health Center, Renaissance HealthCare Network, Helen B. Atkinson Clinic, Adam Clayton Powell Health Clinic, Cornell Hospital Center for Cancer Prevention, Essen Medical House Calls, Harlem Hospital, St. Luke’s, New York-Presbyterian, Mt. Sinai, Metropolitan, Faces HIV Testing, My Smile Buddy Project.
Family Planning: Harlem Hospital, New York-Presbyterian, Boriken Health Center, Ryan Adair Health Center, Helen B Atkinson Health Center, Washington Heights Family Health Center, Community League Health Center, Amsterdam Health Center.
Child Care Programs: Community Life Head Start, NMPP Head Start, Addie Mae Head Start, Union Settlement Day Care, Children's Aid Society, NYC ACS/Child Welfare, Dawning Village, NY Center for Child Development, City Kids Preschool, Harlem Children’s Zone Baby College, Drew Hamilton Children's Center, Union Settlement Day Care, Harlem Dowling-West Side Center Prevention Services, Mama Tingo.
Education: George Washington High School YABC, East Harlem Tutorial Program, Inwood Early College for Health and Excellence, High School for Excellence/Innovation, Opportunity Charter School, Literacy INC, Polo Grounds Community Center, New Heights Neighborhood Center, Jackie Robinson Education Complex, Job Corps, New York City Mission Society.
Housing Assistance, Homeless Programs, Domestic Violence Shelters, Food Pantry: Good Shepherd Services, Help USA, Alan's House Shelter, Harriet Tubman Shelter, Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Homeless Shelter, Convent Family Living Center, West Harlem Residence, Manhattan Acacia Cluster Housing, Safe Horizon, NY Common Food Pantry.
Employment: Ecumenical Community Development Organization, Workforce 1, STRIVE, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation, First Step Program, Institute for Career Development.
Health Insurance Navigation: Morris Heights Health Center, Metro Plus, Affinity Health Plan.
Legal: Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights, NY Immigration Coalition, Northern Manhattan Improvement (NMIC), Make the Road NY.
Our Funders & Donors
We thank each and every one of our funders and donors for their generosity and for championing maternal and child health.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
New York City Department of Education
New York State Department of Health
New York State Office for Children and Families
New York City Department Health and Mental Hygiene
New York City Council
New York Presbyterian(NYP) Hospital
Weill Cornell Hospital (NYP)
New York State Health Foundation
Mother Cabrini Foundation
New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM)
Merck for Mothers
Best Babies Zone
Maven Clinic
Kids Centric
Cribs for Kids
Healthy Start EPIC Center
Healthy Start Association
Harlem Hospital
The Association of Perinatal Networks (APN)
Cause Effective
POP Social Enterprise