Our Newsletter:
As the crisp air of autumn settles in, we at NMPP are proud to continue celebrating 30 years of dedicated service to our communities! We are excited to share updates on new programs, partnerships, and ongoing services. Our mission remains focused on improving the health and well-being of women, children, and families in Northern Manhattan. Details in our October Newsletter.
➡️ Click on the link to open the Newsletter.⬅️
Celebrating 30 Years of Impact: NMPP's Journey to Address Health Inequities in Harlem.
➡️ Click on the link to open the Newsletter.⬅️
2023 Year In Review
In this 2023 Year in Review, we highlight our accomplishments, including some major research collaborations with Columbia University, NYP Hospital &Weill Cornell, and three community organizations - the Caribbean Health Association, Black Women BluePrint, and Bridge Directory - to launch the NY CHAMP, a multi-year NIH funded project. And we continue our work with the Community Doula Initiative (CDI), a community project sponsored by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOMH).
➡️ Click here to open the 2023 Review.⬅️
Healthy People 2030 Champion
We’re proud to be a Healthy People 2030 Champion and advance the HP2030 initiative! Learn more about Healthy People 2030 Champions: healthypeople/about/healthy- people-2030-champion-program
Official Healthy People 2030 Champion Certificate
2023 Greater Harlem Healthy Start Program in: English - Español - Français
➡️ Click here for current Greater Harlem Healthy Start Program activities.⬅️
2021 Year In Review
In this 2021 Year in Review, we highlight last year’s accomplishments, including the launching of our Maternal Action Network (MAN) Telehealth Project, a collaborative initiative with New York Presbyterian Hospital (NYP) and University Albany at SUNY…
➡️ Click here to open the Review.⬅️
Mothers’ Voices
Maternal Intentions (MI), a project funded by Merck for Mothers, provided clinical care coordination, case management, health education and tactical support to women at risk of having poor pregnancy outcomes due to chronic illness.
Community Health Workers (CHWs) conducted home visits and escorts to clinical providers, and Doulas provided both birth and post- partum doula care. Mothers in the program had a team looking out for their health, encouraging and facilitating their engagement with providers when needed, so they could have safe births and stay safe in the post-partum period. The team also provided resources and assistance needed to prioritize the mother’s health and manage their chronic illnesses.